Doveswarm, Raffles Community Advocates - Research on Current Affairs in Migrant Community (2021)
A group of passionate students from Doveswarm, Raffles Community Advocates at Raffles Institution reached out to us in May 2021 for online volunteering opportunities. They contributed in the research of current affairs in the migrant community, compiling their findings into a write up and social media posts in various topics. Featuring 3 of the topics they covered here:
Attitudes toward Migrant Workers
Workplace Safety
Labour Shortfall
1) Attitudes toward Migrant Workers
They uncovered lots of interesting nuggets on the different attitudes and perceptions we have on the migrant community and realising how they were formed.
2) Workplace Safety
Workplace safety has been a perennial issue within the migrant worker community, and it has gotten worse since the pandemic. Take a look at what they discovered through their research.
3) Foreign Labour Shortfall
Learn how the COVID-19 restrictions have affected Singapore’s labour supply shortage and how it impacts the migrant worker community.