Our Reach


(2020 - current)








(2023 - current)

  • “The facilitator was knowledgeable and gave deeper insight into the migrant worker experience. I was provoked to consider perspectives and unspoken issues that I was not aware of.

    – J1 Student, Eunoia Junior College –

  • “The interaction with Roni was the most heartfelt and insightful part of this LJ. Hearing from one of our fellow migrant workers face-to-face made me understand their struggles and dreams more deeply.”

    – Secondary 4 Student, Victoria School –

  • "I liked walking to the different destinations as i saw the two different sides of farrer park and learnt more about the environment in which the foreign workers mostly thrive in."

    – Secondary 3 Student, Cedar Girls' Secondary –

  • The in-school workshop went really well. The facilitators were knowledgeable and engaging, prompting the students to consider other perspectives and challenging them to re-examine their pre-existing mindset and stereotypes. Thank you for the workshop!

    -Vivienne He, Teacher-in-Charge of Humanities Talent Development Programme, Crescent Girls' School -

  • Migrant & Me has reached out to the wider community in Singapore and helped them to better understand and to appreciate more, the contribution of the migrant worker to the development of Singapore. This work complements the government's effort in building a more caring and inclusive society and thus is very much welcomed.

    –Dr. Yee Fook Cheng, Associate Professor of Engineering, Singapore Institute of Technology –

  • I learnt the plight of migrant workers from the LJ. A lot of what we know and stereotypes formed are surface-level. I encourage all to be open-minded to understand them more instead of making any assumptions.

    - Y1 Student, Singapore Management University

  • “I learnt that there are many false negative stereotypes placed on migrant workers. I would try to share that these migrant workers are humans just like us and deserve to be treated with respect, the same way you would like to be treated.”

    - Sec 2 Student, Temasek Secondary

Support our work by giving financially:


UEN: 202038136M

Migrant x Me Ltd
DBS Current Account
Account Number: 072-033049-8

